Internal communications consulting - improving interaction in the company
Our consultancy can help you establish effective internal communications, increasing employee engagement and improving information sharing processes. We develop solutions tailored to the specifics of your business.
Take a detailed look at all types of internal communications for the last 3 months:
Regular communications
Newsletters, intranet messages, videos
Ongoing internal communications
Announcements of general rules, benefits and perks, instructions and regulations affecting at least 30% of employees
Regular oral communications
Large planning meetings, announcement of plans and results for large periods, townhalls, strategy sessions or their analogs.
Definition of goals and objectives
Conduct customer interviews
HRD, top management
We will propose and agree on goals in several areas
Retention, culture and values, manageability, engagement, building a succession program
Approve metrics and quality objectives
Suggest options and coordinate
Identification of target audiences
Depending on the objectives, the target audiences may differ from the target audiences in intranet consulting
For example, holding companies may be considered here if the goals are related to engagement and culture.
Research of accumulated information on target audiences
We investigate socio-demographic composition, team backgrounds, turnover, career development strategies and other important aspects by function and department.
Let's analyze the surveys and their dynamics: engagement, eNPS, satisfaction, and others.
Explore accumulated interviews: stay, exit, job, probationary, feedback, and others.
In-depth interviews
In-depth interviews with people from the target audiences. Each interview consists of 3 parts:
Corporate culture
Her understanding and knowledge of the company's values, mission, and history
Intracom consumption patterns
Channels, sources, general and segmented news awareness
Growth areas
Blind spots and requests for information and support, situations where there was not enough contact with the company.
Development of recommendations
We will compile a detailed list of recommendations based on the audit findings, company goals, castdev, our own expertise and years of experience with corporate culture:
We will develop motivated general recommendations on intracompany separately for HR and for management.
Formulate a plan (regularity and composition) of surveys and regular interviews with employees.
Content Matrix
We will develop content matrices intracom (temnic).
Content plan
Let's make a content plan for the quarter and an approach for the next plans (so you can run it yourself).
We will develop templates for regular headings with banner design in corporate style.
Operational support and advice throughout the year